Tropos at the Age of Eight: On-going Research at FBK, UniTN and UT

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author = {Giorgini, Paolo and Mylopoulos, John and Penserini, Loris and Perini, Anna and Susi, Angelo},
title = {Tropos at the Age of Eight: On-going Research at FBK, UniTN and UT},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the third international symposium on i*},
year = {2008},
address = {Recife, Brasil},
month = {11--13~} # feb,
editor = {Castro, Jaelson and Franch, Xavier and Perini, Anna  and Yu, Eric},
Number = {322},
pages = {83--89},
Series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
Url = {http://CEUR-WS/Vol-322/paper20.pdf},
Publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University},
Issn = {1613-0073}