B-Tropos: Agent-oriented requirements engineering meets computational logic for declarative business process modeling and verification

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   address = {Porto, Portugal},
   author = {Bryl, Volha and Mello, Paola and Montali, Marco and Torroni, Paolo and Zannone, Nicola},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA-VIII)},
   editor = {Sadri, Fariba and Satoh, Ken},
   month = {11--12~} # sep,
   title = {{B-Tropos}: Agent-oriented requirements engineering meets computational logic for declarative business process modeling and verification},
   urlpdf = {http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~zannone/publication/bryl-mell-mont-torr-zann-07-CLIMA.pdf},
   year = 2007