Using Swarm Intelligence in Linda Systems

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Robert Tolksdorf, Ronaldo Menezes
Andrea Omicini, Paolo Petta, Jeremy Pitt (a cura di)
Engineering Societies in the Agents World IV, pp. 49-65
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3071
giugno 2004

Natural forming multi-agent systems can grow to enormous sizes and perform seemingly complex tasks without the existence of any centralized control. Their success comes from the fact that agents are simple and the interaction with the environment and neighboring agents is local in nature. We describe how swarm intelligence can be used in the implementation of a Linda-based system called SwarmLinda. We argue that SwarmLinda achieves many desired characteristics such as scalability, adaptiveness and even some level of fault-tolerance.

evento origine
pubblicazione contenitore
page_white_acrobatEngineering Societies in the Agents World IV (curatela, 2004) — Andrea Omicini, Paolo Petta, Jeremy Pitt