Mirko Viroli, Ferruccio Damiani
eva Kühn, Rosario Pugliese (eds.)
Coordination Models and Languages, pages 163–178
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8459
Computational fields are spatially distributed data structures created by diffusion/aggregation processes, designed to adapt their shape to the topology of the underlying (mobile) network and to the events occurring in it: they have been proposed in a thread of recent works addressing self-organisation mechanisms for system coordination in scenarios including pervasive computing, sensor networks, and mobile robots. A key challenge for these systems is to assure behavioural correctness, namely, correspondence of micro-level specification (computational field specification) with macro-level behaviour (resulting global spatial pattern). Accordingly, in this paper we investigate the propagation process of computational fields, especially when composed one another to achieve complex spatial structures. We present a tiny, expressive, and type-sound calculus of computational fields, enjoying self-stabilisation, i.e., the ability of computational fields to react to changes in the environment finding a new stable state in finite time.
Spatial Computing, Self-Organising Coordination, Core Calculus
origin event
funding project
CINA — Compositionality, Interaction, Negotiation, Autonomicity for the future ICT society