Logic Programming in Space-Time: The Case of Situatedness in LPaaS

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Massimo Cossentino, Luca Sabatucci, Valeria Seidita (eds.)
WOA 2018 – 19th Workshop "From Objects to Agents”, pages 63–68
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (AI*IA Series) 2215
Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University
29–30 June 2018

Situatedness is a fundamental requirement for today’s complex software systems, as well as for the computational models and programming languages used to build them.
Spatial and temporal situatedness, in particular, are essential features for AI, enabling actors of the system to take autonomous decisions contextual to the space-time they live in.
To support spatio-temporal awareness in distributed pervasive systems, we adopt the standpoint of Logic Programming (LP) by focussing on the Logic Programming as a Service (LPaaS) approach, promoting the distribution of ~situated intelligence~.
Accordingly, we provide an interpretation about what it means to make LP span across space and time, then we extend the LPaaS model and architecture towards spatio-temporal situatedness, by identifying a set of suitably-expressive spatio-temporal primitives.

keywordsLPaaS, situatedness, logic programming, SOA, space-time programming
origin event
journal or series
book CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
works as
reference publication for talk
page_white_powerpointLogic Programming in Space-Time: The Case of Situatedness in LPaaS (WOA 2018, 29/06/2018) — Giovanni Ciatto (Andrea Omicini, Enrico Denti, Giovanni Ciatto, Roberta Calegari, Stefano Mariani)