Service-Oriented Design and Development Methodology

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acm = {1358582},
Address = {Geneva, Switzerland},
Author = {Papazoglou, Michael P. and Heuvel, Willem-Jan Van Den},
Doi = {10.1504/IJWET.2006.010423},
Issn = {1476-1289},
Journal = {International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology},
Keywords = {SOA, business processes, choreography, design methodologies, development methodologies, life cycle development, service development, service integration, service interoperability, service oriented architectures, service oriented computing, web services},
Month = jul,
Number = 4,
Pages = {412--442},
Publisher = {Inderscience Publishers},
Title = {Service-Oriented Design and Development Methodology},
Url = {},
Volume = 2,
Year = 2006}