Mind the Gap! Towards a unified view of CSCW

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Address = {Sophia Antipolis, France},
Author = {Schmidt, Kjeld and Simone, Carla},
Booktitle = {Designing Cooperative Systems: The Use of Theories and Models},
Editor = {Dieng, Rose and Giboin, Alain and Karsenty, Laurent and De Michelis, Giorgio},
Isbn = {1-58603-042-6},
Month = {23--26~} # may,
Note = {4th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP 2000), Proceedings},
Publisher = {IOS Press},
Series = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications},
Title = {Mind the Gap! {T}owards a unified view of {CSCW}},
Volume = 58,
Year = 2000}