Simon Dobson,
Mirko Viroli, Jose Luis Fernandez-Marquez, Franco Zambonelli, Graeme Stevenson, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo,
Sara Montagna,
Danilo Pianini, Juan Ye, Gabriella Castelli, Alberto Rosi
The Knowledge Engineering Review 31(4), pages 343–366
September 2016
Pervasive systems are intended to make use of services and components that they encounter in their environment. Such systems are naturally spatial in that they can only be understood in terms of the ways in which components meet and interact in space. Rather than treating spatiality separately from system components, researchers are starting to develop computational models in which the entire structure of a pervasive system is modelled and constructed using an explicit spatial model, supporting multi-level spatial reasoning, and adapting autonomously to spatial interactions. In this paper, we review current and emerging models of spatial computing for pervasive ecosystems, and highlight some of the trends that will guide future research.
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The Knowledge Engineering Review