Special Issue on Software Agents
booktitle = {Special Issue on Software Agents},
editor = {Ganzha, Maria and Paprzycki, Marcin and Omicini, Andrea},
journal = {Computing Now},
month = nov,
number = 11,
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
title = {Special Issue on Software Agents},
url = {https://www.computer.org/publications/tech-news/computing-now/software-agents-twenty-years-and-counting},
volume = 6,
year = 2013
booktitle = {Special Issue on Software Agents},
editor = {Ganzha, Maria and Paprzycki, Marcin and Omicini, Andrea},
journal = {Computing Now},
month = nov,
number = 11,
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
title = {Special Issue on Software Agents},
url = {https://www.computer.org/publications/tech-news/computing-now/software-agents-twenty-years-and-counting},
volume = 6,
year = 2013