RV4Rasa: A Formalism-Agnostic Runtime Verification Framework for Verifying ChatBots in Rasa

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Angelo Ferrando, Andrea Gatti, Viviana Mascardi
Davide Ancona, Giorgio Audrito (a cura di)
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Verification and Monitoring at Runtime Execution (VORTEX 2023), pp. 1–8
luglio 2023

Chatbots are here to stay, and are going to be deployed in various application domains. Unfortunately, amongst them, there are safety-critical ones. Thus, we need a way to guarantee our chatbots will always behave as expected. In this paper, we propose RV4Rasa, a Runtime Verification framework that monitors whether a given chatbot deviates from its expected behaviour, when the latter is formalised as an interaction protocol between the end-user and the chatbot. We present RV4Rasa, its engineering, and its instantiation to monitor chatbots implemented using the Rasa framework. After presenting RV4Rasa's structure, we report experiments that we carried out in a simulated robotic scenario, where a chatbot is used to support the design of a factory workfloor.