Programming the Interaction Space Effectively with ReSpecTX

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Mirjana Ivanović, Costin Bădică, Jürgen Dix, Zoran Jovanović, Michele Malgeri, Miloš Savić (eds.)
Intelligent Distributed Computing XI, pages 89-101
Studies in Computational Intelligence 737

The lack of a suitable toolchain for programming the inter- action space with coordination languages hinders their adoption in the industry, and limits their application as core calculus, proof-of-concept frameworks, or rapid prototyping / simulation environments. In this paper we present the ReSpecTX language and toolchain as a first step toward closing the gap, by equipping a core coordination language (ReSpecT) with tools and features commonly found in mainstream programming languages, improving likelihood of adoption in real-world scenarios.

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book Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI)
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reference publication for talk
page_white_powerpointProgramming the Interaction Space Effectively with ReSpecTX (Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing, 12/10/2017) — Stefano Mariani (Andrea Omicini, Giovanni Ciatto, Stefano Mariani)