Digital Pheromone Mechanisms for Coordination of Unmanned Vehicles

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acm = {544843},
Address = {New York, NY, USA},
Author = {Parunak, H. Van Dyke and Brueckner, Sven and Sauter, John},
Booktitle = {1st International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent systems},
Doi = {10.1145/544741.544843},
Editor = {Castelfranchi, Cristiano and Johnson, W. Lewis},
Isbn = {1-58113-480-0},
Keywords = {biomimetics, fine-grained agents, pheromones, stigmergy},
Location = {Bologna, Italy},
Month = {15--19~} # jul,
Pages = {449--450},
Publisher = {ACM},
Title = {Digital Pheromone Mechanisms for Coordination of Unmanned Vehicles},
Url = {},
Volume = 1,
Year = 2002}