Extrospection: Agents Reasoning About the Environment
Author = {Acay, Lemi Daghan and Pasquier, Philippe and Sonenberg, Liz},
Booktitle = {3rd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 07)},
Month = {24--25~} # sep,
Pages = {220--227},
Title = {Extrospection: Agents Reasoning About the Environment},
Year = 2007}
Author = {Acay, Lemi Daghan and Pasquier, Philippe and Sonenberg, Liz},
Booktitle = {3rd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 07)},
Month = {24--25~} # sep,
Pages = {220--227},
Title = {Extrospection: Agents Reasoning About the Environment},
Year = 2007}