Farhad Arbab, Carolyn Talcott (a cura di)
Coordination Models and Languages, pp. 291–299
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2315
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
This paper aims at showing the benefits of objective coordination in the design and development of agent-based distributed applications. We compare the subjective and objective coordination approaches in the engineering of a simple case study — a distributed MP3enco ding application — pointing out the benefits of the objective ones. In particular, we discuss the design and development of the sample application using three different solutions according to such approaches: a subjective solution, based on conversation and middle-agents, as often found in Distributed Artificial Intelligence and in Multi-Agent Systems; JavaSpaces, as a notable example of loosely-objective approach, not expressive enough to gain all the advantages of objective coordination; and TuCSoN as a fully-objective approach, providing a hybrid coordination model able to exploit the full potential of objective coordination.
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Lecture Notes in Computer Science
progetto finanziatore
NokiaMobileCoord — Coordination Technologies for Mobile Agents and Wireless Devices