Analysis of the Molecules of Knowledge Model with the BioPepa Eclipse Plugin
address = {Bologna, Italy},
author = {Mariani, Stefano},
doi = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/3783},
eissn = {2283-6462},
institution = {{\sc Alma Mater Studiorum}--Università di Bologna},
issn = {2283-6462},
keywords = {Biochemical simulation; MoK; Knowledge-intensive environments; BioPepa; Chemical rates; Biochemical coordination},
month = {20~} # sep,
pages = {1--8},
series = {AMS Acta},
title = {Analysis of the {M}olecules {o}f {K}nowledge Model with the {B}io{P}epa {E}clipse Plugin},
type = {Technical Report},
url = {},
volume = 3783,
year = 2013