Labelled Variables in Logic Programming: A First Prototype in tuProlog

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Elena Bellodi, Alessio Bonfietti (a cura di)
Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium of the 14th Symposium of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI\*IA 2015 DC), pp. 25–30
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (AIxIA Series) 1485
Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University
settembre 2015

We present the first prototype of Labelled tuProlog, an extension of tuProlog exploiting labelled variables to enable a sort of multi-paradigm / multi-language programming aimed at pervasive systems.

parole chiaveLabelled Variables, CLP, pervasive systems, Labelled Systems
evento origine
worldAI*IA 2015 DC @AI*IA 2015
rivista o collana
book CEUR Workshop Proceedings (
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pubblicazione di riferimento per presentazione
page_white_powerpointLabelled Variables in Logic Programming: A First Prototype in tuProlog (AI*IA 2015 DC @AI*IA 2015, 23/09/2015) — Roberta Calegari (Andrea Omicini, Enrico Denti, Roberta Calegari)