Andrea Omicini, Paolo Petta, Matjaz Gams
Informatica 29(4), pp. 377–378
novembre 2005
The Second AgentLink III Technical Forum was held at the Jozef Stefan institute in Slovenia, from February 28 to March 2, 2005. It focused on the issues related to European Agent Research. AgentLink III is a European Commission (EC) that supports research and development in agent-based technologies and strengthens Europe's effort in this field. The technical forum aims to gain advantage for European industry by promoting and raising awareness of agent systems technology. It support standardization of agent technologies and promote interoperability. AgentLink facilitate improvement in the quality, profile and industrial relevance of European research in agent-based computer systems.
evento origine
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pubblicazione contenitore
progetto finanziatore
AgentLink III — A Coordination Network for Agent-based Computing