Costin Bădică, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Marius Brezovan (a cura di)
Computational Collective Intelligence. Technologies and Applications, pp. 1–10
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8083
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Complex systems of any kind are characterised by autonomous components interacting with each other in a non-trivial way. In this paper we discuss how the views on complexity are evolving in fields like physics, social sciences, and computer science, and – most significantly – how they are converging.
In particular, we focus on the role of interaction as the foremost dimension for modelling complexity, and discuss first how coordination via mediated interaction could determine the general dynamics of complex software system, then how this applies to complex socio-technical systems like social networks.
parole chiave
Complex systems, interaction, interacting systems, statistical mechanics, coordination models, socio-technical systems
evento origine
rivista o collana

Lecture Notes in Computer Science