Mariachiara Puviani, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Regina Frei, Giacomo Cabri
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 7(12), pages 1–25
September 2012
This article summarizes five relevant methods for developing self-organizing multiagent systems. It identifies their most relevant aspects and provides a description of each one under the form of method fragments expressed using SPEM (Software and System Process Engineering Metamodel). The use of a “metamodel” to describe fragments facilitates the comparison of the methods and their respective fragments. These fragments can be combined and be part of a more general ad hoc methodology, created according to the needs of the designer. Self-organizing traffic lights controllers and self-organizing displays are chosen as case studies to illustrate the methods and to underline which fragments are important for self-organizing systems. Finally, we illustrate how to augment PASSI2, an agent-based methodology which does not consider self-organization aspects, with some of the identified fragments for self-organization.
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ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems