How to model contrary-to-duty with GCP-nets
author = {Andrea Loreggia and Calegari, Roberta and Emiliano Lorini and Francesca Rossi and Sartor, Giovanni},
dblp = {journals/ia/SabbatiniCCO22},
doi = {10.3233/IA-221057},
eissn = {2211-0097},
iris = {11585/912872},
issn = {1724-8035},
journal = {Intelligenza Artificiale},
keywords = {Deontic logic, GCP-nets, ceteris-paribus semantics, contrary-to-duty, strong and weak permission},
month = dec,
number = 2,
numpages = 22,
pages = {185-198},
publisher = {IOS Press},
scholar = {7559675640918015038},
scopus = {2-s2.0-85146170765},
title = {How to model contrary-to-duty with GCP-nets},
url = {},
volume = 16,
wos = {000905455600003},
year = 2022