Adaptiveness in Linda-Based Coordination Models

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Ronaldo Menezes, Robert Tolksdorf
Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Anthony Karageorgos, Omer F. Rana, Franco Zambonelli (eds.)
Engineering Self-Organising Systems. Nature-Inspired Approaches to Software Engineering, pages 212-232

In today’s software engineering, the ability to adapt to requirement changes on-the-fly has become a major asset to computer systems. Traditionally, systems were developed following a process consisting of: requirements study, design and implementation phases. Nowadays, requirements are very dynamic – changing constantly. For the engineering of distributed complex software systems, the frameworks used in the implementation phase need to be able to cope with environment changes – bandwidth fluctuations, network topology, host down time, etc. This paper looks at the ability of Linda-based systems to adapt to the predictable and unpredictable changes in distributed environments. Several adaptiveness aspects are discussed and a few of Linda-based systems analyzed.