with : Antonio Natali

8 projects
wrench Eclipse-IT — From Manuals to Customizable Product Learning (01/01/2007–31/12/2008)
wrench RESET — Social Networks and Promotion of Knowledge Construction through E-Learning Tools (15/10/2006–15/10/2008)
wrench OITOS — Osservatorio per l'Innovazione e il Trasferimento Tecnologico sul software Open Source (15/06/2005–15/06/2007)
wrench ALMA TWO — Adaptive Learning Management Assets for Advanced Learning Methodology-driven Architecture (01/01/2005–31/12/2006)
wrench STIL — Telematic Tools for Enterprise Network Interoperability: Integrated Digital Logistics for Region Emilia-Romagna (01/01/2005–31/12/2006)
wrench EOS — Extensible Object Systems (30/11/2004–30/11/2006)
wrench TRUST 03 — Trust and law in the Information Society. Fostering and protecting trust in the market, in the institutions and in the technological infrastructure (01/01/2003–31/12/2005)
wrench NokiaMobileCoord — Coordination Technologies for Mobile Agents and Wireless Devices (01/01/2002–31/12/2002)