Per Year
- Transparent Protection of Aggregate Computations from Byzantine Behaviours via Blockchain (GOODTECHS 2018) — Danilo Pianini, Giovanni Ciatto, Roberto Casadei, Stefano Mariani, Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini
- Aggregate Graph Statistics (ALP4IoT2017) — Giorgio Audrito, Ferruccio Damiani, Mirko Viroli
- Opportunistic cyberphysical services: A novel paradigm for the future Internet of Things () — Giancarlo Fortino, Wilma Russo, Claudio Savaglio, Mirko Viroli, MengChu Zhou
- Engineering Resilient Collective Adaptive Systems by Self-Stabilisation (article in journal) — Mirko Viroli, Giorgio Audrito, Jacob Beal, Ferruccio Damiani, Danilo Pianini
- Optimal single-path information propagation in gradient-based algorithms (Science of Computer Programming) — Giorgio Audrito, Ferruccio Damiani, Mirko Viroli
- From Field-Based Coordination to Aggregate Computing (COORDINATION 2018) — Mirko Viroli, Jacob Beal, Ferruccio Damiani, Giorgio Audrito, Roberto Casadei, Danilo Pianini
- Spatial Tuples: Augmenting Reality with Tuples (Expert Systems) — Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini, Stefano Mariani, Angelo Croatti, Danilo Pianini
- Space-Time Universality of Field Calculus (ALP4IoT2017) — Giorgio Audrito, Jacob Beal, Ferruccio Damiani, Mirko Viroli
- Combining Trust and Aggregate Computing () — Roberto Casadei, Alessandro Aldini, Mirko Viroli
- Towards attack-resistant Aggregate Computing using trust mechanisms (Science of Computer Programming) — Roberto Casadei, Alessandro Aldini, Mirko Viroli
- Collective Abstractions and Platforms for Large-Scale Self-Adaptive IoT () — Roberto Casadei, Mirko Viroli
- Programming Actor-Based Collective Adaptive Systems () — Roberto Casadei, Mirko Viroli
- Distributed Real-Time Shortest-Paths Computations with the Field Calculus () — Giorgio Audrito, Ferruccio Damiani, Mirko Viroli, Enrico Bini