IT - Ricevimento: Si controlli (anche per eventuali variazioni) la pagina del docente sul portale UNIBO: MV
IT - News Tesi: Sono disponibili Tesi di Laurea Triennale e Magistrale sperimentali, con possibilità di collaborazione (durante la tesi o post-tesi) con aziende e Università italiane e estere (EU e USA), incentrate sullo sviluppo di tool prototipali di ricerca per contesti IoT, Mobile/Edge/Cloud computing — si contatti il docente per ulteriori dettagli.
Main interests:
Topics: computational models and languages, and their relationship with software design, infrastructures and system analysis
Application contexts: pervasive computing, self-organisation, coordination, and object-orientation
ALCHEMIST: a chemical-oriented simulator for natural and artificial situated systems, there including pervasive computing applications with emergent properties
Current: Compositionality, Interaction, Negoziation, Autonomicity for the future ICT society, PRIN 2010-2011, Role: UNIBO member
Past: SAPERE, Self-aware Pervasive Service Ecosystems (FP7 STREP), 2010-2013, Role: UNIBO team leader, WP leader
Several theses are available both for "Triennale" and "Magistrale" programs, students can come to office hours (IT: "ricevimento") and discuss them. They sit in the following areas:
Systems development with advanced tools/techniques for Software Engineering
Experiments/development with Scala programming language and frameworks
Experiments/development with IoT systems: mobile, embedded and cloud frameworks
Design of innovative self-organising large-scale systems