projectSort macro

projectSort macro

  • inline
    • yes
  • content
    • mandatory
      • “Projects” reference
  • parameters
    •  short — short / long version
      • admissible values: true ( true | yes | y | vero | v | 1 ) / false ( false | no | n | falso | 0 )
      • default: false 
    •  plural – singolar / plural
      • admissible values: true ( true | yes | y | vero | v | 1 ) / false ( false | no | n | falso | 0 )
        • default: false 
    •  uppercase — lowercase / uppercase
      • admissible values: true ( true | yes | y | vero | v | 1 ) / false ( false | no | n | falso | 0 )
        • default: false 



competitive project

{{projectSort uppercase='false'}} Project.Tailor{{/projectSort}}

competitive project

{{projectSort uppercase='true' short='true'}} AI4EUROPE {{/projectSort}}


{{projectSort plural='true'}} competitive {{/projectSort}}

competitive projects



Macro projectSort needs either a “Projects” document or the sort of a project as its content

{{projectSort}}  {{/projectSort}}

Macro projectSort needs either a “Projects” document or the sort of a project as its content

{{projectSort}} pippo  {{/projectSort}}

Document “Project.pippo” does not exist

{{projectSort}} Project.pippo{{/projectSort}}

Document “Project.pippo” does not exist

{{projectSort}} Publication.2pktJelia2021  {{/projectSort}}

No “Projects” object in document “Publication.2pktJelia2021”