projectLongname macro

projectLongname macro

  • in linea
  • contenuto
    • obbligatorio
      • riferimento a un documento “Projects”
  • parametri
    • linked — il nome lungo è mostrato linkato alla pagina
      • admissible values: true ( true | yes | y | vero | v | 1 ) / false ( false | no | n | falso | 0 )
      • default: true 


{{projectLongname linked='false'}}Project.Tailor{{/projectLongname}}

Foundations of Trustworthy AI – Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization 

{{projectLongname linked='yes'}}Aequitas.WebHome{{/projectLongname}}
{{projectLongname linked='whatever'}}AI4EUROPE{{/projectLongname}}
{{projectLongname}} The Goofy Project for Disney Dogs  {{/projectLongname}}

The Goofy Project for Disney Dogs



Macro projectLongname needs “Projects” document as its content

{{projectLongname}}  {{/projectLongname}}

Macro projectLongname needs “Projects” document as its content

{{projectLongname}} Project.pippo{{/projectLongname}}

“Project.pippo” is not an APICe document

{{projectLongname}} Publication.2pktJelia2021  {{/projectLongname}}

No “Projects” object in document “Publication.2pktJelia2021”