project macro
project macro
- inline
- yes
- content
- mandatory
- “Projects” reference
- mandatory
- parameters
- linked — project descriptor is displayed with a link to the page
- admissible values: true ( true | yes | y | vero | v | 1 ) / false ( false | no | n | falso | 0 )
- default: true
- dates — project descriptor contains dates
- admissible values: true ( true | yes | y | vero | v | 1 ) / false ( false | no | n | falso | 0 )
- default: true
- short — displays the acronym or the full name
- admissible values: true (true | yes | y | vero | v | 1) / false (false | no | n | falso | 0)
- default: true
- linked — project descriptor is displayed with a link to the page
AEQUITAS — Assessment and Engineering of eQuitable, Unbiased, Impartial and Trustworthy Ai Systems (01/11/2022–31/10/2025)
{{project linked='false' dates="false"}}Project.Tailor{{/project}}
TAILOR — Foundations of Trustworthy AI – Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization
{{project short='yes'}}Aequitas.WebHome{{/project}}
AEQUITAS (01/11/2022–31/10/2025)
{{project dates='false' dates="no"}}Project.AI4EUROPE{{/project}}
AI4EUROPE — An AI On-demand Platform to Support Research Excellence in Europe
{{project}} {{/project}}
{{project}} pippo {{/project}}
{{project}} Project.pippo{{/project}}
{{project}} Publication.2pktJelia2021 {{/project}}