JWPlayer Translations
rendering.macro.jwplayer.name=JW Player
rendering.macro.jwplayer.description=The JW Player is an open-source embeddable media player for web sites, supporting many commonly-used audio and video formats. The player is easy to configure, customize and extend.
rendering.macro.jwplayer.parameter.attachment.description=The reference to the attached media file that should be played. The reference is resolved relative to the current document. E.g.: Space.Page@video.mp4 or Page@video.mp4 or even simply video.mp4
rendering.macro.jwplayer.parameter.width.description=The player width, in pixels. If not defined, the player tries to determine automatically the width from the played media file.
rendering.macro.jwplayer.parameter.height.description=The player height, in pixels. If not defined, the player tries to determine automatically the height from the played media file.
rendering.macro.jwplayer.parameter.autostart.description=Automatically start playing the video on page load. Can be true or false (default). Autostart does not work on mobile devices like iOS and Android.
rendering.macro.jwplayer.parameter.repeat.description=Whether to loop playback of the playlist or not. Can be true (keep playing forever) or false (stop playback when completed). Defaults to false.