Logic Programming as a Service (LPaaS) is an evolution of the logic programming (LP) paradigm for intelligent IoT. It is a logic-based, service-oriented approach for distributed situated intelligence, conceived and designed as the natural evolution of LP in nowadays pervasive computing systems. Its purpose is to enable situated reasoning via explicit definition of the spatial-temporal structure of the environment where situated entities act and interact.

About LPaaS

LPaaS Technology

  • LPaaS in 2P (2Paas)
    • LPaaS in 2P consists in the LPaaS implementation built on top of the tuProlog system, that makes it possible to build distributed intelligent IoT environment distributing reasoning and inference capabilities amongst the components they have, and let them balance the computational requirements to best suit the deployment scenario at hand—for instance, embedding LPaaS in more powerful components and letting ask their services by need. The repository contains prototype implementations built on top of the 2P system, which provides the required interoperability and customisation. LPaaS is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License, via GitLab as a Git repository. The LPaaS RESTful API documentation can be found here.



Roberta Calegari email  |  Giovanni Ciatto email  |  Enrico Denti email  |  Andrea Omicini email


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