Journal of Simulation

JOS is a publication of the OR Society, and was launched in 2006. The journal provides a single source of accessible research and practice in the fast developing field of discrete-event simulation.

Journal of Simulation aims to publish both articles and technical notes from researchers and practitioners active in the field of simulation. In JOS, the field of simulation includes the techniques, tools, methods and technologies of the application and the use of discrete-event simulation. JOS will examine a wide range of domains including for example, manufacturing, service, defence, health care and general commerce. JOS will particularly seek topics that are not “mainstream” in nature but interesting and evocative to the simulation community as outlined above.

Particular interest is paid to significant success in the use of simulation. JOS will publish the methodological and technological advances that represent significant progress toward the application of simulation modelling-related theory and/or practice.

Other streams of interest will be practical applications that highlight for the researcher insights into the contemporary practice of simulation modelling; articles that are tutorial in nature or that largely review existing literature as a contribution to the field, and articles based on empirical research such as questionnaire surveys, controlled experiments or more qualitative case studies.

Shorter technical notes will also be considered.

topics of interest
  • Case studies of simulation application
  • Input modelling
  • Output analysis
  • Simulation practice
  • Verification and validation
  • Conceptual modelling
  • Modelling techniques
  • Design and Analysis of experiments
  • Simulation project management
  • Simulation-based optimisation
  • Simulation visualisation
  • Simulation software and technology
  • Parallel and distributed simulation
  • Agent-based discrete-event simulation
  • Modelling of human factors
  • Insights into the application of simulation modelling in various domains (manufacturing, service, defence, health and emergency response, commerce, call centres, etc.)
  • Supply chain simulation
  • Logistics and transportation simulation
  • Simulation standards
  • Economics of simulation application
  • Simulation education and training
  • Tutorials in simulation
  • Other modelling approaches linked to discrete-event simulation
works as
journal containing
page_white_acrobatA Biochemically-inspired Coordination-based Model for Simulating Intracellular Signalling Pathways (2013) — Pedro Pablo González Pérez, Andrea Omicini, Marco Sbaraglia
page_white_acrobatChemical-oriented Simulation of Computational Systems with ALCHEMIST (2013) — Danilo Pianini, Sara Montagna, Mirko Viroli
page_white_acrobatTutorial on Agent-based Modelling and Simulation (2010) — Charles M. Macal, Michael J. North
page_white_acrobatDiscrete Event Modeling and Simulation in Systems Biology (2007) — Roland Ewald, Carsten Maus, Arndt Rolfs, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher