Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science

ENTCS is a venue for the rapid electronic publication of the proceedings of conferences, of lecture notes, monographs and other similar material for which quick publication and the availability on the electronic media is appropriate. Organizers of conferences whose proceedings appear in ENTCS, and authors of other material appearing as a volume in the series are allowed to make hard copies of the relevant volume for limited distribution. For example, conference proceedings may be distributed to participants at the meeting, and lecture notes can be distributed to those taking a course based on the material in the volume.

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collana che contiene
page_white_acrobatAggregate Graph Statistics (2018) — Giorgio Audrito, Ferruccio Damiani, Mirko Viroli
page_white_acrobatPrototyping A&A ReSpecT in Maude (2008) — Matteo Casadei, Andrea Omicini, Mirko Viroli
page_white_acrobatPreface (2007) — Guido Boella, Mehdi Dastani, Andrea Omicini, Ivana Černá, Isabelle Linden
page_white_acrobatFormal ReSpecT in the A&A Perspective (2007) — Andrea Omicini
page_white_acrobatA Framework for Engineering Interactions in Java-based Component Systems (2006) — Antonio Natali, Enrico Oliva, Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli
page_white_acrobatOn the Semantics of Coordination Models for Distributed Systems: The LogOp Case Study (2004) — Ronaldo Menezes, Andrea Omicini, Mirko Viroli
page_white_acrobatFormal Specification and Enactment of Security Policies through Agent Coordination Contexts (2003) — Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli
page_white_acrobatCoordination as a Service: Ontological and Formal Foundation (2003) — Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini
page_white_acrobatPreface: Volume 48 (2001) — Agostino Dovier, Maria Chiara Meo, Andrea Omicini