AgentLink News, the network's newsletter, aims to provide a relatively informal way of communicating both what's happening in AgentLink, but also what's happening in the agent world generally. Many newsletters end up being rather dull (let's face it, the very name "newsletter" puts many people off.) AgentLink News aims to be different. In addition to containing the worthy-but-dull details of what's happening in the network, we carry a range of articles including features, reports on conferences and workshops, informal descriptions of research results and news software, book reviews, and so on. Of course, we can't do this without your help! We need you to generate the content for the newsletter. We are looking for:
- feature articles, including informal summaries of new products, experimental software, research programs and results, opinion pieces, and so on;
- short descriptions of projects, labs, and companies;
- conference and workshop reports and book reviews.
AgentLink news is not an academic journal, so we won't publish academic articles. Pieces should follow the conventions of similar sorts of publications (such as AI Magazine, or IEEE Internet), and be relaxed in style, with short lists of references, etc... Length is also an issue - features should be no more than a few pages. Contributions will not be formally refereed.
The newsletter has a circulation of over a thousand international agent researchers. It's an ideal way to communicate your work to a specialist community, who will want to hear about it. So why not contribute?
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