
Algorithms are the core of computational mathematics and computer science. The whole area has been considered from different perspectives, which has led to the development of several sub-communities. The aim is to bring together researchers and practitioners from different areas of computational mathematics and computer science and to offer a platform for interdisciplinary applications in different areas of science and technology. In this way, Algorithms may become a forum for the exchange of new stimulating ideas between the different sub-communities working in the area of algorithms and their applications and the presentation of high-quality novel algorithmic approaches.

topics of interest

The scope of Algorithms includes:
Theory of algorithms • Numerical analysis • Combinatorial optimization, operations research, discrete mathematics, and graph theory • Distributed and parallel algorithms • Approximation and online algorithms • Randomized and quantum algorithms • Performance of algorithms and algorithm engineering • Interdisciplinary applications in other areas of mathematics and computer science • Algorithms in biology, chemistry, physics, and language processing • Algorithmic game theory and mechanism design Image processing with applications • Machine learning
