The main steps that led to the approval of the Process Documentation Template standard can be listed as follow:
- 12-01-2012: The Process Documentation Template is a full FIPA standard number SC00097B.
- 15-06-2011: The Process Documentation Template has been voted and approved by the working group. It received the official IEEE FIPA document number XC00097A as an experimental specification
- 18-05-2011: After comments from the FIPA Board a new of the Process Documentation Template has been released
- 10-03-2011: Revised version of the specification proposal according to comments by the FIPA board: Process Documentation Template ( )
- 10-12-2010: A proposal of fragment definition and documentation template is available
- 31-08-2010: The Process Documentation Template has been during the WG workgroup and it is now under review by the FIPA board to become an official IEEE FIPA specification
- 11-06-2010: A candidate release for the Process Documentation Template specification is
- 24-05-10: new draft version of the Process Documentation Template specification is
- 11-12-09: A draft of the specification for the Process Documentation Template is
- 27-05-09: The call for proposals has been disseminated by means of several mailing lists
- 13-05-09: During the AAMAS'09 FIPA meeting (Budapest, 13 May, 2009) the Design Process Documentation and Fragmentation Working group has been officially presented to FIPA members
Main Events
Our standardisation activity developed upon a previous scientific activity, lasting back to 2004. Below, the most relevant events that conceptually led to the activity in IEEE FIPA.
- AgentLink AOSE Technichal Forums Group
- 2004 1st meeting in Rome.
- 2005 2nd meeting in Lubiana.
- 2005 3rd meeting in Budapest.
- 2006 4th meeting in Lisbon.
- 2007 5th meeting in Hammamenth
- 2008 6th meeting in Bath
- 2010 7th meeting in Paris
- FIPA Methodology Technical Committee
- 2007-2009 MEnSA project
- Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Methodologies and Systems AOMS@SAC2009
- Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Methodologies, Infrastructures and Processes AOMIP@SAC2010