3rd Annual Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity
Tucson, Arizona, USA, 19/10/2012–26/10/2012
SPLASH is the ACM conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity. SPLASH is an annual conference that embraces all aspects of software construction and delivery. This is the premier conference at the intersection of programming languages, programming, and software engineering.
Since 2010 SPLASH has been the umbrella for both OOPSLA and Onward!. This year we are pleased to again host Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP) and the Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS). Also, we continue the Wavefront technical track, designed to publish innovative work closely related to advanced development and production software.
SPLASH takes on the notable track record of OOPSLA as a premier forum for software innovation, while broadening the scope of the conference into new topics beyond objects and new forms of contributions.
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