The post-genomic era can be seen as characterized by two different scenarios: on the one hand, the huge amount of available biological data sets all over the world requires suitable tools and methods both for modelling biological processes and analyzing biological sequences; on the other, many new computational models and paradigms inspired and developed as metaphors of biological systems are ready to be applied in the context of computer science.
It may now be a good time
(i) to report on the results achieved in these two areas
(ii) to present some open problems in computational biology
(iii) to advertise novel computational tools successfully applied to biological issues
(iv) to spread the knowledge on computational models inspired by biological processes
(v) to foster the application of computational models to govern real biological systems.
The workshop intends to bring together bioscientists and computer scientists and to compare their approaches and their ideas for solving computational biology open problems. In particular, we expect the participation of those who are developing novel bioinformatics tools and those who are working towards the vision of biological systems as a model for designing new tools.
The workshop will also aim to inspire future collaboration between the different communities, to strengthen the relationships within the bioinformatics community, to activate a cooperation between bioscientists and computer scientists, to collect the latest ideas, achievements and proposals in computational models and metaphors from biology.
Topics to be covered will include,but not limited to, the following list:
- From Biologists – Open problems in:
- Molecular evolution and theoretical biology
- Gene regulation and expression
- Functional genomics
- Comparative genomics
- Protein structure and interaction
- Gene and enzyme networks
- Metabolic pathways and responses
- Genetic and ecological systems
- Pharmacogenomics and Toxicogenomics
- From Bioinformaticians – Novel techniques and computational tools in:
- Bio-information processing systems
- Data Integration
- Ontology and Knowledge management
- Protein interaction pathways and responses
- Protein structure and modelling
- Gene networks
- Genomics and comparative genomics
- Functional genomics
- Microarrays and gene expression patterns
- Sequence analysis
- Motif finding
- From Computer Scientists – Promising models and metaphors in:
- Bioware languages and models
- Data management methods and systems
- Biologically inspired systems
- Evolutionary algorithms
- Machine learning
- Genetic computation
- DNA computing
- Computation in neural systems
- Neural hardware
- Autonomous and evolutionary robotic
- Cellular automata
- Self-organizing, self-repairing and self- replicating systems
- Data mining in bioscience literature
- Concurrent languages for biology
- New technologies and methods