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Doctoral Consortium of the 14th German Conference on Multi-Agent System Technologies
Klagenfurt, Germany, 27/09/2016

The MATES PhD mentoring session (doctoral consortium) is meant to support PhD students working in the area of intelligent agents or multi-agent systems. It offers a platform to researchers in all stages of their PhD studies to present and discuss their ideas in an academic professional environment. The program provides an opportunity to PhD students to interact with their peers as well as with experienced researchers in the field, and to receive valuable feedback on their work and advice for their future careers. In particular, each student will be assigned a member of the MATES doctoral consortium, who is an experienced researcher in the relevant field and will be available for personal interactions during the day of the MATES PhD mentoring session. 

The main goals of the PhD mentoring session are

  • to give PhD researchers an opportunity to get feedback and suggestion on their work from experienced researchers and their peers.
  • to interact with other PhD researchers and to get an overview of the field of multi-agent systems.
  • to get advice for their (academic) career.
  • to provide networking opportunities.
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