ESAW 2007
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call for papers / txt
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eighth International Workshop "Engineering Societies in the Agents World" (ESAW 07), October 22-24 2007, National Centre for Scientific Research (NCSR) "Demokritos", Athens, Greece ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIMS & SCOPE: The sequel to successful editions since 2000, ESAW 07 remains committed to the use of the notion of multi-agent system as seed for animated, constructive, and highly inter-disciplinary discussions about technologies, methodologies, and tools for the engineering of complex distributed applications. While the workshop places an emphasis on practical engineering issues and applications, it also welcomes theoretical, philosophical, and empirical contributions, provided that they clearly document their connection to the core applied issues. Prospective papers about new paradigms, theories, models are also appreciated. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - analysis, design, development and verification of agent societies - open, large-scale multi-agent systems - models of complex distributed systems with agents and societies - interaction-coordination patterns in agent societies - inter-disciplinary approaches for agent societies engineering - engineering of social intelligence in multi-agent systems - self-organisation and self regulation in agent societies - autonomy and self-design of agent societies in an environment - security, trust and norms in agent societies - middleware infrastructures for agent societies - tools and models for agent societies management - studies of information ecosystems - experiences in building and maintaining large agent societies - evolution of institutions in agent societies - insightful analyses of negative results ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES: * Submission Deadline (Extended): June 18, 2007 * Acceptance/Rejection Notification: July 27, 2007 * Revised Papers for Workshop Notes: September 15, 2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVITED SPEAKERS: * Marek Sergot, Imperial College London, UK * Robert Axtell, The Brookings Institution, USA * Tim Norman, Univeristy of Aberdeen, UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBMISSION: The ESAW post-proceedings are typically published by Springer in the LNAI series. Papers should not exceed 16 pages and should be formatted according to the Springer LNAI guidelines. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORGANISERS: - Alexander Artikis, (NCSR "Demokritos", Greece) - Gregory O'Hare, (University College Dublin, Ireland) - Kostas Stathis, (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK) - George Vouros, (University of the Aegean, Greece) STEERING COMMITTEE: - Marie-Pierre Gleizes, (IRIT Universite Paul Sabatier, France) - Andrea Omicini, (DEIS Universita di Bologna, Italy) - Paolo Petta, (Austrian Research Institute for AI, Austria) - Jeremy Pitt, (Imperial College London, UK) - Robert Tolksdorf, (Free University of Berlin, Germany) - Franco Zambonelli, (Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy) PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: - Grigoris Antoniou, (University of Crete, Greece) - Federico Bergenti, (Universita di Parma, Italy) - Carole Bernon, (IRIT Universite Paul Sabatier, France) - Guido Boella, (Universita degli Studi di Torino, Italy) - Olivier Boissier, (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris, France) - Jeff Bradshaw, (IHMC, USA) - Monique Calisti, (Whitestein Technologies, Switzerland) - Jacques Calmet, (University of Karlsruhe, Germany) - Cristiano Castelfranchi, (ISTC-CNR, Italy) - Luca Cernuzzi, (Universidad Catolica "Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion", Paraguay) - Helder Coelho, (University of Lisbon, Portugal) - Rem Collier, (University College Dublin, Ireland) - Dan Corkill, (University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA) - R. Scott Cost, (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA) - Aspassia Daskalopulu, (University of Thessaly, Greece) - Mehdi Dastani, (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) - Paul Davidsson, (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden) - Keith Decker, (University of Delaware, USA) - Oguz Dikenelli, (Ege University, Turkey) - Riza Cenk Erdur, (Ege University, Turkey) - Rino Falcone, (ISTC-CNR, Italy) - Paul Feltovich, (IHMC, USA) - Jean-Pierre George, (IRIT Universite Paul Sabatier, France) - Paolo Giorgini, (University of Trento, Italy) - Michael O'Grady, (University College Dublin, Ireland) - Frank Guerin, (University of Aberdeeen, UK) - Salima Hassas, (Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France) - Lloyd Kamara, (Imperial College London, UK) - Anthony Karageorgos, (University of Thessaly, Greece) - Manolis Koubarakis, (University of Athens, UK) - Michael Luck, (University of Southampton, UK) - Fabien Michel, (Universite de Reims, France) - Tim Miller, (University of Liverpool, UK) - Pavlos Moraitis, (Paris-Descartes University, France) - Pablo Noriega, (IIIA, Spain) - Sascha Ossowski, (Univesidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain) - Julian Padget, (University of Bath, UK) - Juan Pavon Mestras, (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) - Paolo Petta, (Austrian Research Institute for AI, Austria) - Jeremy Pitt, (Imperial College London, UK) - Alessandro Ricci, (Universita di Bologna, Italy) - Giovanni Rimassa, (Whitestein Technologies, Switzerland) - Juan Antonio Rodriguez Aguilar, (IIIA, Spain) - Fariba Sadri, (Imperial College London, UK) - Maarten Sierhuis, (RIACS/NASA Ames Research Center, USA) - Tiberiu Stratulat, (LIRMM, France) - Robert Tolksdorf, (Free University of Berlin, Germany) - Leon Van der Torre, (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) - Luca Tummolini, (ISTC-CNR, Italy) - Paul Valckenaers, (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) - Wamberto Vasconcelos, (University of Aberdeeen, UK) - Mirko Viroli, (Universita di Bologna, Italy) - Marina De Vos, (University of Bath, UK) - Danny Weyns, (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) - Pinar Yolum, (Bogazici University, Turkey) - Franco Zambonelli, (Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy)