1st International Workshop on Collaborative Sensing in the Web of Things
Leuven, Belgium, 09/08/2021–12/08/2021
Collaborative sensing paradigms such as sensing as a service are recently emerging. They are characterized by mobile agents able to offer, request, discover and exploit data sensing and analysis services, enabled by embedded sensors or devices in their close proximity, connected through low-power wireless protocols. This model is typically:
- peer-to-peer: any node can request data or search for specific kinds of sensors and devices;
- opportunistic: designed to exploit dynamically the available resources in a certain area in a given time window;
- participatory: user agents are invited to contribute their data, sensing and computing resources to the network.
Collaborative sensing approaches should be general enough to support various types of applications, platforms and devices. Furthermore, effective incentive mechanisms should be introduced to promote a sustained collaboration. As interoperability issues involve both application-layer network protocols and data exchange formats, integrating World Wide Web - and particularly Semantic Web – technologies is a relevant research trend for promoting collaboration in large-scale data sensing and processing scenarios, such as multi-party deployments and federations.
topics of interest
The Workshop is dedicated to frameworks, architectures, technologies and systems for collaborative sensing, with particular emphasis on ubiquitous/pervasive computing and on (Semantic) Web of Things technology stacks. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- collaborative and participatory sensing in WSN, IoT and WoT scenarios;
- collaborative, decentralized and peer-to-peer protocols for device and sensor discovery;
- collaborative, decentralized and peer-to-peer protocols and frameworks for data discovery, data mining and machine learning;
- sensing-as-a-service frameworks, architectures and protocols;
- opportunistic sensing and computing in ubiquitous contexts;
- design and evaluation of incentive mechanisms for participatory sensing;
- energy-conscious and resource-conscious collaborative sensing;
- user-centered personalized participatory sensing tools, interfaces and applications;
- Semantic Web technologies for collaborative sensing and ubiquitous sensor networks;
- distributed ledger and blockchain technologies for collaborative sensing.
colocated event

MobiSPC 2021