The Program Committee of the 5th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent System (BRACIS) invites submissions of original research papers for the conference, to be held in Recife, Pernambuco, from October 9th to 12th, 2016.
BRACIS is one of the most important events in Brazil for researchers in the field of Artificial and Computational intelligence. The domain of the conference includes traditional and original topics of both areas and it aims to promote theories and novel applications dealing with the use and analysis of AI/CI techniques in various related fields.
BRACIS also aims for the promotion of international level research by exchanging scientific ideas among researchers, practitioners, scientists and engineers. The yearly event series started in 2012 from the combination of the Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence – SBIA (21 editions) and the Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks – SBRN (12 editions).
In this year, it will be held in conjunction with the Robotica 2016 (, XIII ENIAC - Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, IV KDMile - Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, Mining and Learning; and the Thesis and Dissertation Contest - X Concurso de Teses e Dissertações em Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (CTDIAC).
- Agent-based and multi-agent systems
- Cognitive modeling and human interaction
- Constraints and Search
- Foundations of AI
- Distributed AI
- Information retrieval, integration, and extraction
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (including Commonsense Reasoning, Model-Based Reasoning, Probabilistic Reasoning, Approximate Reasoning)
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Ontologies and the Semantic Web
- Logic based Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Natural Language Processing
- Planning and Scheduling
- Evolutionary Computation
- Fuzzy Systems
- Neural Networks
- Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Metalearning
- Molecular and quantum computing
- Pattern Recognition and Cluster Analysis
- Swarm Intelligence
- Hybrid Systems
- Bioinformatics and bioengineering
- Combinatorial and numerical optimization
- Computer Vision
- Education
- Forecasting
- Game Playing and Intelligent Interactive Entertainment
- Intelligent Robotics
- Multidisciplinary AI and CI
- Other AI and CI related topics