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Andrea Omicini 2.2 1 = 3rd eCAS Workshop on Engineering Collective Adaptive Systems (ECAS 2018) =
Mirko Viroli 1.1 2
Andrea Omicini 4.1 3 [[image:ecas-logo-cut.png]]
Mirko Viroli 1.1 4
Andrea Omicini 4.1 5 In conjunction with the 15th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2018) and the 12th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO 2018) [[FAS*>>]]
Mirko Viroli 1.1 6
Andrea Omicini 2.1 7 **Location:** Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) & University of Trento - Trento, Italy
Mirko Viroli 1.1 8
Andrea Omicini 2.1 9 === Aims and Motivations ===
Mirko Viroli 1.1 10
Andrea Omicini 2.2 11 Modern software systems are becoming more and more collective, composed of many distributed and heterogeneous entities. These systems operate under continuous perturbations making manual adjustments infeasible. For a collective system to be resilient, its adaptation must also be collective, in the sense that multiple entities must adapt in a way that addresses critical runtime conditions while preserving the benefits of the collaborative interdependencies. Decision-making in such systems is distributed and possibly highly dispersed, and interaction between the entities may lead to the emergence of unexpected phenomena. In such systems, a new approach for adaptation is needed to allow multiple entities to collectively adapt with (ii) negotiations to decide which collective changes are best. Collective adaptation also raises a second important challenge: which parts of the system (things, services, people) should be engaged in an adaptation? This is not trivial, since multiple solutions to the same problem may be generated at different levels. The challenge here is to understand these levels and create mechanisms to decide the right scope for an adaptation for a given problem. This workshop solicits papers that address new methodologies, theories and principles that can be used in order to develop a better understanding of the fundamental factors underpinning the operation of such systems, so that we can better design, build, and analyze them, as well as case studies and applications showing such approaches in action. Interdisciplinary work is particularly welcomed.
Mirko Viroli 1.1 12
Andrea Omicini 2.1 13 Suggested Topics (but not limited to):
Mirko Viroli 1.1 14
15 * Novel theories relating to operating principles of CAS
16 * Novel design principles for building CAS systems
17 * Insights into the short and long-term adaptation of CAS systems
18 * Insights into emergent properties of CAS
19 * Insights into general properties of large scale, distributed CAS
20 * Decision-making approaches in CAS
21 * Methodologies for studying, analyzing, and building CAS
22 * Frameworks for analyzing or developing CAS case studies
23 * Languages, platforms, APIs and other tools for CAS
24 * Scenarios, case studies, and experience reports of CAS in different contexts (e.g., Smart Mobility, Smart Energy/Smart Grid, Smart Buildings, traffic management, emergency response, etc.)
Andrea Omicini 2.1 26 === Scope ===
Mirko Viroli 1.1 27
28 The workshop is expected to attract participants from many disciplines, including Autonomic Computing, Biology, Game Theory, Evolutionary Computing, Network Science, Self-Organizing Systems, Pervasive Computing, and to be of interest to anyone working with the domain of large-scale self-adaptive systems. In addition, the European Commission has funded seven scientific projects and a Coordination Action in this area, with projects starting at the beginning of 2013. Thus, the workshop provides a natural base for the projects to meet and share ideas, even if it is in no way limited to this audience, and is likely to have broad appeal to a wide range of researchers. Potential audience members might work in application areas relating to large-scale distributed systems, or may come from any of the many disciplines that can provide insights into the operation and design of such systems.
Andrea Omicini 2.1 30 === Important Dates ===
Mirko Viroli 1.1 31
32 * Abstract submission: June 18, 2018 (EXTENDED)
33 * Workshop paper submission: June 18, 2018 (EXTENDED)
34 * Workshop paper notification: July 9, 2018
35 * Camera-Ready Version: July 15, 2018
36 * Workshop: September 7, 2018
Andrea Omicini 2.1 38 === Submission Instructions and Review Criteria ===
Mirko Viroli 1.1 39
Andrea Omicini 2.1 40 The length of a workshop paper may not exceed 6 pages including references and follow the IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style guide. All papers should be submitted in PDF format. You can submit the paper through EasyChair using this link:
Mirko Viroli 1.1 41
Andrea Omicini 4.1 42 [[>>]]
Mirko Viroli 1.1 43
Andrea Omicini 2.1 44 By submitting a paper, the authors confirm that in case of acceptance, at least one author will attend the workshop to present the work. Papers will be peer reviewed on the basis of originality, readability, relevance to themes, soundness, and overall quality. Workshop proceedings will be published on IEEE Xplore in parallel with the main conference proceedings.
Mirko Viroli 1.1 45
Andrea Omicini 2.1 46 === Workshop organizers ===
Mirko Viroli 1.1 47
Andrea Omicini 2.1 48 * [[Simon Dobson>>]], University of St Andrews, UK
49 * [[Martina De Sanctis>>]], Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
50 * [[Giacomo Cabri>>]], Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy