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@article{smartcollectiveservices-ieeeiotj9, author = {Casadei, Roberto and Giancarlo Fortino and Pianini, Danilo and Placuzzi, Andrea and Claudio Savaglio and Viroli, Mirko}, dblp = {journals/iotj/CasadeiFPPSV22}, doi = {10.1109/JIOT.2022.3172470}, ieee = {9768117}, journal = {IEEE Internet of Things Journal}, keywords = {cloud services, collective services, cyber–physical systems, deployment methodology, edge intelligence, mobile and ubiquitous systems, pulverizable architectures, service middleware and platform, simulation}, number = 20, pages = {20136--20148}, title = {A Methodology and Simulation-Based Toolchain for Estimating Deployment Performance of Smart Collective Services at the Edge}, url = {}, urlpdf = {}, volume = 9, year = 2022 }
@article{selforgcoord-fgcs114, author = {Pianini, Danilo and Casadei, Roberto and Viroli, Mirko and Natali, Antonio}, doi = {10.1016/j.future.2020.07.032}, issn = {0167-739X}, journal = {Future Generation Computer Systems}, keywords = {Coordination, Distributed systems, Design patterns, Self-organisation, Self-improving integration, Edge computing, Aggregate programming}, pages = {44--68}, title = {Partitioned integration and coordination via the self-organising coordination regions pattern}, url = {}, volume = 114, year = 2021}
@article{VBDACP-JLAMP2019, title = {From distributed coordination to field calculus and aggregate computing}, journal = {Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming}, volume = {109}, year = {2019}, issn = {2352-2208}, doi = {10.1016/j.jlamp.2019.100486}, url = "", author = {Viroli, Mirko and Beal, Jacob and Damiani, Ferruccio and Audrito, Giorgio and Casadei, Roberto and Pianini, Danilo}, keywords = "Distributed systems, Aggregate computing, Field calculus, Spatial computing", publisher = {Elsevier}, }
@article{CFPRSV-INFSCI2019, title = {A development approach for collective opportunistic {Edge-of-Things} services}, journal = {Information Sciences}, publisher = {Elsevier}, volume = {498}, pages = {154--169}, year = {2019}, issn = {0020-0255}, doi = {10.1016/j.ins.2019.05.058}, url = {}, author = {Casadei, Roberto and Fortino, Giancarlo and Pianini, Danilo and Russo, Wilma and Savaglio, Claudio and Viroli, Mirko}, keywords = {Internet of Things, Edge computing, Smart city, Opportunistic services, Aggregate computing}, abstract = {Technological advances have recently fostered the Internet of Things vision, in which systems of situated entities perceive and act upon the world, and interact with one another to provide novel kinds of services, which are inherently cyber-physical, increasingly contextual and opportunistic in nature, and possibly span different scales and domains. The requirements of such IoT applications, however, pose significant non/functional challenges to engineering efforts, mitigated by emerging computing paradigms. On the infrastructure side, Cloud, Fog, and Edge Computing provide virtualised, on-demand, elastic resource provisioning – at the distant data centres, Network core and Edge – supporting the abstraction and scalability needs of IoT settings while also altogether giving options for QoS-driven trade-offs. However, despite intense research in these fields, there is still a gap of approaches supporting the engineering of dynamic, heterogeneous smart environments, such as those involving “collectives” of devices coordinating in a complex fashion to provide “global” services. In this paper, we integrate the Aggregate Computing and Opportunistic IoT Service models and propose a full-fledged approach for the engineering – from analysis to simulation – of complex “Edge of Things” applications. We compare by simulation two deployment targets for the same collective application: one centralised/Cloud-based, and the other decentralised/Edge-based. We discuss the trade-offs each one introduces, and we draw recommendations on application-driven choices of the appropriate deployment.} }
@article{opportunisticaggregate-fgcs91, author = {Casadei, Roberto and Fortino, Giancarlo and Pianini, Danilo and Russo, Wilma and Savaglio, Claudio and Viroli, Mirko}, doi = {10.1016/j.future.2018.09.005}, issn = {0167-739X}, journal = {Future Generation Computer Systems}, pages = {252--262}, publisher = {Elsevier B.V.}, title = {Modelling and Simulation of Opportunistic {IoT} Services with Aggregate Computing}, url = {}, volume = 91, year = 2019}
@article{fieldcalculusTocl20, author = {Audrito, Giorgio and Viroli, Mirko and Damiani, Ferruccio and Pianini, Danilo and Beal, Jacob}, doi = {10.1145/3285956}, journal = {{ACM} Transactions on Computational Logic}, month = jan, number = 1, pages = {1--55}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {A Higher-Order Calculus of Computational Fields}, url = {}, volume = 20, year = 2019}
@article{VABDP-TOMACS2018, author = {Viroli, Mirko and Audrito, Giorgio and Beal, Jacob and Damiani, Ferruccio and Pianini, Danilo}, title = {Engineering Resilient Collective Adaptive Systems by Self-Stabilisation}, journal = {ACM Transaction on Modelling and Computer Simulation}, issue_date = {March 2018}, volume = {28}, number = {2}, month = mar, year = {2018}, issn = {1049-3301}, pages = {16:1--16:28}, articleno = {16}, numpages = {28}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/3177774}, acm = {3177774}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {Aggregate computing, collective adaptive systems, distributed algorithms, field calculus, self-stabilisation, simulation and modeling}, }
@article{spatialtuples-exsys35, author = {Ricci, Alessandro and Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea and Mariani, Stefano and Croatti, Angelo and Pianini, Danilo}, dblp = {journals/es/RicciVOMCP18}, doi = {10.1111/exsy.12273}, editor = {Camacho, David and Novais, Paulo}, iris = {11585/646034}, issn = {0266-4720}, journal = {Expert Systems}, keywords = {Artificial intelligence, coordination, pervasive computing, spatial computing, software engineering}, month = oct, note = {{S}pecial Issue: New trends and innovations in intelligent distributed computing}, number = 5, publisher = {Wiley}, scholar = {15432439871249761138}, scopus = {2-s2.0-85045836760}, title = {Spatial Tuples: Augmenting Reality with Tuples}, url = {}, volume = 35, wos = {000446560700003}, year = 2018 }
@article{VPRC-IJAOSE2017, Author = {Viroli, Mirko and Pianini, Danilo and Ricci, Alessandro and Croatti, Angelo}, Issn = {1746-1375}, eissn = {1746-1383}, Journal = {International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering}, Number = 5, Volume = 4, Pages = {336--365}, Publisher = {Inderscience Publishers}, Title = {Aggregate plans for multiagent systems}, Year = 2017}
@article{BVPD-TAAS2017, author = {Beal, Jacob and Viroli, Mirko and Pianini, Danilo and Damiani, Ferruccio}, title = {Self-Adaptation to Device Distribution in the {Internet of Things}}, journal = {ACM Transaction on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems}, issue_date = {September 2017}, volume = {12}, number = {3}, month = sep, year = {2017}, issn = {1556-4665}, pages = {12:1--12:29}, articleno = {12}, numpages = {29}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/3105758}, acm = {3105758}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {Field calculus, large-scale coordination, self-organisation, self-stabilization, spatial computing}, }
@article{sapere-ker31, author = {Dobson, Simon and Viroli, Mirko and Fernandez-Marquez, Jose Luis and Zambonelli, Franco and Stevenson, Graeme and Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna and Montagna, Sara and Pianini, Danilo and Ye, Juan and Castelli, Gabriella and Rosi, Alberto}, doi = {10.1017/S0269888916000199}, iris = {11585/587618}, journal = {The Knowledge Engineering Review}, month = sep, number = 4, numpages = 24, pages = {343-366}, scopus = {2-s2.0-85002973358}, title = {Spatial awareness in pervasive ecosystems}, url = { S0269888916000199}, volume = 31, year = 2016 }
@article{VPMSZ-SCP2015, title = "A coordination model of pervasive service ecosystems", journal = "Science of Computer Programming", volume = "110", number = "", pages = "3 - 22", year = "2015", issn = "0167-6423", doi = "", url = "", author = "Viroli, Mirko and Pianini, Danilo and Montagna, Sara and Stevenson, Graeme and Zambonelli, Franco", keywords = "Coordination models and languages", keywords = "Pervasive computing", keywords = "Service ecosystems", keywords = "Process algebras", keywords = "Self-organisation " }
@article{sapere-pmc10years, author = {Zambonelli, Franco and Omicini, Andrea and Anzengruber, Bernhard and Castelli, Gabriella and DeAngelis, Francesco L. and Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna and Dobson, Simon and Fernandez-Marquez, José Luis and Ferscha, Alois and Mamei, Marco and Mariani, Stefano and Molesini, Ambra and Montagna, Sara and Nieminen, Jussi and Pianini, Danilo and Risoldi, Matteo and Rosi, Alberto and Stevenson, Graeme and Viroli, Mirko and Ye, Juan}, dblp = {journals/percom/ZambonelliOACAS15}, doi = {10.1016/j.pmcj.2014.12.002}, editor = {Kumar, Mohan and Becker, Christian}, iris = {11585/480586}, issn = {1574-1192}, journal = {Pervasive and Mobile Computing}, keywords = {Pervasive computing; Multi-agent systems; Coordination models; Self-organization}, month = feb, note = {Special Issue ``10 years of Pervasive Computing'' In Honor of Chatschik Bisdikian}, pages = {236–252}, part = {B}, scholar = {15583593111038826907}, scopus = {2-s2.0-84924155453}, semanticscholar = {16555450}, title = {Developing Pervasive Multi-Agent Systems with Nature-Inspired Coordination}, url = {}, volume = 17, wos = {000350826800007}, year = 2015 }
@ARTICLE{7274429, author={Beal, Jacob and Pianini, Danilo and Viroli, Mirko}, journal={Computer}, title={Aggregate Programming for the Internet of Things}, year={2015}, volume={48}, number={9}, pages={22-30}, keywords={Aggregate programmin;Embedded systems;Internet of things;Pervasive computing;Programming;DSLs;Internet of Things;IoT;aggregate programming;distributed systems;domain-specific languages;embedded systems;field calculus;pervasive computing}, doi={10.1109/MC.2015.261}, ISSN={0018-9162}, month={Sept},}
@article{alchemist-jos2013, Author = {Pianini, Danilo and Montagna, Sara and Viroli, Mirko}, Doi = {10.1057/jos.2012.27}, Issn = {1747-7778}, eissn = {1747-7786}, Journal = {Journal of Simulation}, Keywords = {Stochastic simulation, chemical-oriented computing, pervasive service ecosystems}, Publisher = {Palgrave McMillan}, Title = {Chemical-oriented Simulation of Computational Systems with {ALCHEMIST}}, Url = {}, Year = 2013}