tag : systematic literature review

19 course projects
wrench Systematic Literature Review on the symbolic knowledge extraction techniques Giovanni Mormone  •  Fabian Andres Aspee Encina
wrench Symbolic Knowledge Injection Lorenzo Bacchiani
wrench Parallelism in Logic Programming: A Systematic Literature Review Alessia Cerami  •  Andrea Giordano
wrench Multi-Agent Connect Four Ole August Støle  •  Sebastiaan Milis
wrench Deep Learning for Image Processing in Defect Detection: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Study of Algorithms and Their Applications in Industry Dame Haile Wayessa  •  Maryam Tootazehi  •  Ruaa Khalid Abdulmoniem Hasan  •  Dounya Sassaoui
wrench Coordination for Swarm Intelligence: A Systematic Literature Review Giulia Lucchi  •  Luca Polverelli
wrench AutoML for anomaly detection Davide Schiaroli