tag : games

18 course projects
wrench Tic Tac Toe with AgentSpeak in MAS Andrea Stette Jessen  •  Solveig Jørgensen Mohr
wrench The Conquest Roberto Reda
wrench Scopone scientifico Pierluigi Montagna  •  Federico Torsello
wrench Robot War  Matteo Delvecchio
wrench Pokemon Lite Michele Brocchini
wrench MAS Hunting Francesco Degli Angeli
wrench Lupus Andrea Serafini
wrench Il tesoro dei pirati Alessia Papini
wrench Il labirinto dell’inganno Fabio Limardo
wrench Hangman Online Filippo Venturini
wrench Guess the Song Simone Fontanella  •  Marco Avagnano
wrench Flag Wars Simone Grotti  •  Michele Braccini  •  Simone Costanzi
wrench Fantasy War Game Luca Spazzoli  •  Enrico Gualandi
wrench Escape from Zombies Matteo Bezzi
wrench ConspiraBoom Roberto Casadei
wrench Checkers Web App Konrad Gomulka  •  Luca Salvigni  •  Manuele Pasini