Intelligent Briscola

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Intelligent Briscola aims to develop the Italian classic card game Briscola where users can play against a sophisticated bot designed as an intelligent agent. The objective is to create a dynamic and challenging gameplay experience where the bot simulates human-like strategies in the card game. The project will involve the implementation of different levels of bot intelligence.
Each level will employ varying degrees of strategic decision-making processes, allowing the bot to adapt its gameplay according to the intelligence level selected by the user. The intelligent agent will utilize advanced algorithms to analyze the state of the game and make optimal decisions, providing a realistic and competitive gaming experience. The matches will exclusively consist of two players, in a 1vs1 mode (one human and one bot). The cards used to play Briscola are 40, grouped into 4 suits: clubs, coins, cups and swords. The type of cards will be the ”Romagnola” variety. The total points available in the deck are 120; to declare a winner, it is necessary to reach a minimum of 61 points, while if 60 points are reached, a tie occurs.
