Gym Management System

Claudia Giannelli Taccarino

The project goal is to develop a distributed system for managing a gym, involving tree types of users: administrators, personal trainers and clients.
Each personal trainer will have access to their own reserved area with a calendar, through which they can view appointments booked by clients for classes and private lessons. Additionally, personal trainers will be able to view the list of attendees for their classes or private lessons and access the profiles of individual clients, which will include personal information.
Clients, on the other hand, will access their private area where they can view their profile,
including personal data and bookings made for classes and private lessons. They will have the
ability to enroll in classes and lessons by consulting the trainers' calendars, checking for available slots, and, if necessary, canceling a booking. In case of a cancellation, the slot will be made available again. It should be noted that clients cannot enroll in a class that has reached its maximum capacity, nor book a private lesson already assigned to another client.
Administrators have access to tools for creating and managing courses, clients, and personal
trainers within the database. They can also modify or delete courses, clients, and trainers from the database.
