Flood Warning

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The objective of this project is to create a distributed application that aims to monitor possible flooding in a city. In order to achieve this, a predefined number of sensors are deployed in the city acquiring environmental data. The sensors used in this particular case are rain gauge, which can detect the level of rainfall fallen expressed in mm3 in a certain time interval. The city is divided into predefined zones, a WxH rectangle, and each sensor operates in only one area. Among many shapes the rectangle has been chosen to represent a city for its nature. Other shapes, like circles, seems to be not optimize to achieve this goal, in fact we should implement an algorithm to manage the intersection of the circles to respect the requirements of the project. The alarm situation is triggered when the majority of sensors exceeds a threshold value and a fire station has been alerted. Only one fire station can be in a single area. The firefighters can access to a GUI to manage the alarm.
