Comparing Different Models’ Reliance on Prohibited Features in the Adult Census Income

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Daniele Baiocco

The first goal of this project  is to determine if a model's inherent feature importance serves as a proxy for its interpretability when assessed through Model-Agnostic Explanation methods. The second aim is to investigate whether low feature importance scores for prohibited features, obtained through model-agnostic explanation methods, correspond to a low Disparate Treatment Index. If such a correspondence exists, it would suggest that models assigning low importance to these features are less likely to be discriminatory. Lastly, the project applies a Lagrangian approach to a neural network to minimize the Disparate Treatment Index, comparing feature importances before and after mitigation. This comparison highlights which features have decreased in importance, revealing those that were originally correlated with prohibited features.

Interpretability, Feature Importance, Mitigation Technique

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