Sistemi distribuiti 2014/2015

    Principale     Lucidi     Libri     Laboratorio     Orario     Progetti

temi di base

(0) Introduction to the Course
(1) Introduction to Distributed Systems
(2) Software Architectures
(3) The Architecture of the World Wide Web
(4) Web Services
(5) Cloud Computing: An Introduction
(6) Processes in Distributed Systems
(7) Communication in Distributed Systems
(8) Naming in Distributed Systems
(9) Synchronisation in Distributed Systems
(10) Consistency & Replication in Distributed Systems
(11) Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems: An Introduction

temi avanzati

(12) Object-Oriented Middleware for Distributed Systems
(13) Evolution of Computational Systems: The Paradigm Shift
(14) Evolution of Programming Languages: Away from Objects
(15) Evolution of Middleware: Towards Agents
(16) The Many Agents Around
(17) Agents: Definitions & Conceptual Framework
(18) Interaction & Coordination in Distributed Systems
(19) Tuple-based Coordination of Distributed Systems
(20) Tuple-based Coordination of Situated Systems

lucidi / pagine dei corsi
serie di corsi
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