Complex systems module
This page collects the teaching related matter for the module of Complex systems.
Lecture notes
- "Introduction to complex systems science" lecture notes.
Lab teaching material
- Lab lecture 22 April 2015
- Cellular automata (by S. Wolfram)
- Antichaos and adaptation (an introduction to Boolean networks by S. A. Kauffman)
- Evolving coordinated group behaviours through maximization of mean mutual information (by V. Sperati, V. Trianni and S. Nolfi)
- Emergence and Control of Macro-Spatial Structures in Perturbed Cellular Automata, and Implications for Pervasive Computing Systems ( by M. Mamei, A. Roli, F. Zambonelli)
- The detection of intermediate-level emergent structures and patterns (by M. Villani, A. Filisetti, S. Benedettini, A. Roli, D. Lane and R. Serra)
- Guided self-organization (by M. Prokopenko)
- Scale-Free Networks (by A.-L. Barabási and E. Bonabeau)
- Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks (by D. Watts and S. Strogatz)
- Complex networks: Structure and dynamics (by S. Boccaletti, V. Latora, Y. Moreno, M. Chavez and D.-U. Hwang)
- The R Project for Statistical Computing
- igraph: R/Python/C software package for creating and manipulating graphs.
- BoolNet: R library for the simulation of Boolean networks.